Who is Ryan Hansen? Can you tell me a bit about yourself?
San Diego raised, 36 years old, 6’, 190lbs, Caucasian male. Married to my High school sweetheart Amy for almost 14 years this June. Have three beautiful daughters Crosby Jane Hansen eight years old, Millie Magnolia Hansen five years old, & Everett Eloise Hansen 2 years old. Our dog, a boxer- Sirius Hansen 13 years old. And we all love to party.
What got your acting career started?
My aunt Allison suggested that I get a manager and get into acting in Los Angeles. Her son/my cousin was doing some commercials and stuff and she thought I’d be good at it too. After high school I didn’t have big plans other than going to a junior college so I decided to give it a shot and I’m thankful that i did because it turns out... I’m not good at anything else.
Are there certain types of roles you seek out?
French. Although I do love a good sourdough.
Where did the idea of “Ryan Hansen Solves Crimes On Television” come from?
I did a part in a movie called Central intelligence directed by Rawson Marshall Thurber and produced by Beau Bauman and they had mentioned they wanted to develop something with me if I had any ideas of what I wanted to do. I said no I don’t have any ideas. I suck at that. So we met with a few writers to try to think of something to do and months go by and nothing really comes of it. Then Rawson sent me a script “Ryan Hansen solves crimes on television." Then we sold the show to YouTube Red for 900 million dollars. Or something like that.
What is your relationship to the show creator, Rawson Marshall Thurber.
Best Friend. Lover.
How did you feel about the concept for this show when it was pitched to you?
Rawson sent me the script and I immediately loved it. Didn’t even have to read it. My name was in the title! Ha!
With your name in the title of the show, but this character being an over-exaggerated version of yourself, do you ever worry that people might have the misconception that this is you ineveryday life?
The relationship between Samira Wiley and yourself on-screen makes for great comedy because of the drastic different personalities between these two characters. What are some of your favorite comedic moments betweenyou two on-screen?
I love Samira Wiley. She’s just the best. Singing and dancing in the car to Paula Abdul’s opposites attract was for sure a highlight. Performing a scene of the notebook on stage in front of an audience—me as Ryan Gosling in her as Rachel McAdams was pretty amazing too. We really just had so much fun the entire show.
What is the proudest moment of your career so far?
I think I’m most proud that I get to make a living being an actor. Every job is a dream job. (Almost every job)
Top 3 favorite films?
Gi Joe: Retaliation, CHiPs, Veronica Mars the Movie ;)
Top 3 Artists in your playlist right now?
Francis and the Lights, Chris Stapleton, Sam Outlaw
Book you’re currently reading:
Atlas Shrugged. Just kidding “Ready Player One” audio book only.
Re-binging Peaky Blinders.
If you’re going to have a book, what title would it be?
Ryan Hansen. The Story of Ryan Hansen. By Ryan Hansen. Illustrated by Ryan Hansen.
Photography IRVIN RIVERA
Catch Ryan on his Youtube Red Series, Ryan Hansen Solves Crimes On Television!