The 6’5” heartthrob is no stranger to TV as he got his big start on NBC’s hit daytime drama, Days of our Lives, which lasted for 5 years before he exited and pursued other roles.

He’s best known among fans for his work on the hit MTV series, Teen Wolf & Eye Candy.

Casey was a blast to work with and his energy on set was infectious. The exclusive photos from our shoot pretty much speaks for itself. Seriously, can someone get this guy a modeling contract and book him some campaigns already?!

In our exclusive interview with the actor, Casey embodies what an open book is and opened up about a lot of things. Get to know more about him as he shares his journey as an actor and all the roles he’s ever played and why his latest role as Max from In The Dark saved his life!



Hi, Casey! Tell us a little about your story. Who is Casey Deidrick?

That’s a very difficult question to answer because a lot of what I do is embodying and encompassing other characters. I’m still trying to figure out who Casey is. I view acting not as a job but a way for me to process and cope with my bipolar disorder and childhood traumas I faced as a child. Acting for me is a lot like jumping out of an airplane and gives me the freedom to be who I want to be. I’m just never satisfied, and I am always growing and learning as a person. I’ve always been a very emotional person and through acting I’ve learned to control it. 

As an actor, what type of roles and genres do you normally gravitate towards?

Growing up, my parents would let me watch whatever I wanted, which I’m sure helped spark my vivid imagination. I’d go from watching Ace Ventura on repeat to watching the original Halloween, Child’s Play, Friday the 13th, and then I got into Fight Club, Saving Private Ryan, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy. I was always seeing the world through a broken lens. So it’s only natural that I gravitate towards darker roles. I think anytime I get the opportunity to be absolutely still in my acting and not say a word, the audience gets the chance to see what I’m really feeling and thinking.

LEFT: Outift: The Kooples, Watch: Momentum RIGHT: Leather Jacket: Diesel, Shirt: Topman, Pants: The Kooples, Boots: RedWing

LEFT: Outift: The Kooples, Watch: Momentum RIGHT: Leather Jacket: Diesel, Shirt: Topman, Pants: The Kooples, Boots: RedWing

Out of all the roles you’ve played, which one has resonated with you the most?

Each character I’ve played, I’ve resonated with in some way. I think I grew the most with my character on In the Dark, which is a gift in itself. Max really taught me a lot about responding from a place of love and being able to stand in the storm. I think the toxic masculinity roles were reversed in Max and Perry’s relationship and it was so awakening for me to not use anger as a form of communication. 

LEFT: Leather Jacket: Diesel, Shirt: Topman, Pants: The Kooples RIGHT: Outfit: Topman, Watch: Momentum, Shoes: ALDO

LEFT: Leather Jacket: Diesel, Shirt: Topman, Pants: The Kooples RIGHT: Outfit: Topman, Watch: Momentum, Shoes: ALDO

Has there been a role that you wish you could’ve played longer?

I wish I could’ve played my Hellhound character, Halwyn, on Teen Wolf a bit longer. He was fearless. As an actor, I like to hide behind voices and I really enjoyed the creative process of how this character entered a room and how he talked. I felt a freedom I hadn’t felt before. 

What can you tell us about your character, Max from your new show, In The Dark? Are you guys anything alike?

I relate to Max in a lot of different ways. One being the way he’s smitten by Murphy the first time they meet and is instantly intrigued. This makes me think a lot about myself growing up in my 20’s, I was always in the relationships and rushed into relationships without really getting to know the person first. It was a continuous cycle and they always ended the same way. There’s a lot about Max’s childhood that hasn’t been explained yet which will help audiences understand why he is the way he is. Another way I relate is that Max doesn’t judge anybody for who they are and I love that about him. In one way we differ is how Max handled arguments and I am so thankful I had Max to teach me that there are other languages besides anger, it’s all about love. 

LEFT: Shirt: Topman, Pants: The Kooples RIGHT: Outift: The Kooples, Watch: Momentum

LEFT: Shirt: Topman, Pants: The Kooples RIGHT: Outift: The Kooples, Watch: Momentum

What’s been the most proudest moment of your career so far?

My proudest moment was watching the premiere of In the Dark at our show creator’s (Corinne Kingsbury) house. Seeing all the cast and crew together, each of us knowing how hard we worked on this and seeing everyone laughing and in tears was truly something special. This role is very special to me because if I hadn’t gotten this role I was ready to give up on acting. So in a way, Max saved my life. I’m incredibly grateful to everyone at CW and our wonderful producers for taking a chance on me.  

Leather Jacket: The Kooples, Shirt: Billy Reid

Leather Jacket: The Kooples, Shirt: Billy Reid

Can we expect to see you on the big screen anytime soon?

I hope so, but for now I’m just savoring every moment. 

What’s your dream project?

I’m a huge gamer. I grew up playing Halo, I’d love to play Master Chief.

LEFT: Outfit: Topman, Watch: Momentum, Shoes: ALDO RIGHT: Leather Jacket: Diesel, Shirt: Topman

LEFT: Outfit: Topman, Watch: Momentum, Shoes: ALDO RIGHT: Leather Jacket: Diesel, Shirt: Topman

Aside from acting, what do you normally enjoy doing in your free time?

I’m still trying to figure out what I like. There are so many things I want to do, I’d like to get my skydiving license, I’d love to get a motorcycle and just ride for all hours of the day, I’d love to get involved in more humanitarian work. Right now I’m really focused on bettering myself mentally and physically. I love crossfit and I also have been training in Jiu Jitsu and Muay Thai. I love skateboarding. Watching good films. I’ve been hanging out with my friends a lot. I’ve been volunteering at this organization called Lost Angels Children’s Project. Really incredible non profit after school program in classic car restoration for foster and high-risk youth. They’re creating jobs and changing these kids lives. All that being said, I can’t tell you how important my solitude is and during that time I find myself reading or meditating. 

Shirt: Topman, Pants: The Kooples, Watch: Momentum

Shirt: Topman, Pants: The Kooples, Watch: Momentum

Top 3 songs in your playlist.

In the Dark by Bring Me the Horizon (no pun intended)

Kill you Slowly by The Chainsmokers

“Taping Out” by Issues. (This song is not out yet)

What are the pros and cons of being 6’5”?

It’s funny I always thought I was kind of a freak for being so tall and almost felt shameful about it, but lately I’ve really started to own how tall I am and feel comfortable in my own skin. The downside is I bang my head on pretty much everything and shirts never fit the way I want them to. 

If you were a book, what kind of book would you be and why?

Besides an open book? I think books are for people that want to escape, at least that’s what they’ve always done for me. If I’m not reading self help books, I’m reading graphic novels or fantasy. I’m reading the King Killer Chronicles right now, just finished The Name of the Wind and reading the second book now. I think I’d be a sci-fi book because they’ve always been a good escape for me. 

If you had the chance to help any specific charity / organization, which one would it be and why?

There’s a few I’m involved with right now. I’ve been working with The Lost Angels Children’s Project. I’ve been trying to find time to work with 4Ocean which is an incredible organization that’s helping save our planet and rid the oceans of our global plastic issue. And there’s The Thirst Project which is building water wells so that villages in Africa have access to fresh and clean water. These charities have my attention right now and I will continue to support them. 

See Casey’s new role as Max in The CW’s latest comedy-drama series, In The Dark!