Young actress from Michigan ABBY QUINN has been performing since age six and have been in the industry since then. She recently starred and delivered an exceptional performance as Grace in AFTER THE WEDDING alongside Michelle Williams, Julianne Moore etc. She will also be starring in the upcoming 2019 LITTLE WOMEN film as Annie. At a young age, this upcoming star is already working alongside some for the veteran actors in Hollywood.
In this exclusive interview, Quinn shares her acting journey, her role as Grace in After the Wedding, her role in the upcoming Little Women film and her other upcoming roles in the near future and discover why she is definitely someone to watch out for.
What ignited your passion for acting? How did it start for you?
My older brother did all of the school plays, and I realized I wanted to be doing anything and everything he was doing so I auditioned for The Wizard of Oz when I was in 1st grade. After that I never looked back.
Out of all the roles that you have played so far, is there any specific one that you love the most? Why?
I really loved playing Toby in Sweeney Todd in middle school. The music in Sweeney Todd is so beautiful and fun to sing. As a 13 year old, I was concerned about my looks and about how boys perceived me, but I had to let go of all that while playing Toby. I performed in front of my peers in a costume that looked like a potato sack, while covered in blood. It forced me to get out of my own way, and to not give a hoot about what other people might be thinking about me.
Tell us about your role as Grace in After the Wedding?
Although Grace appears to have control over everything in her life, she is very much lost and confused. She thinks that marriage will fix most of her problems, but she soon finds that this is not the case. Grace is incredibly empathetic and sincere and has the ability to forgive- she is not one to hold onto her anger, even when it seems like it would be best that she did.
What’s the best part about playing Grace?
I had a lot of fun shooting the wedding scenes. I’m not sure I’ll ever get married in real life, so it was interesting putting myself in her shoes and really getting into the mindset of wanting to get married, and why she might feel the need to do so at such a young age. I had a great time walking down the aisle and dancing at the reception. It felt like a real celebration.
How was it to work with your amazing co-stars?
It was incredible and still feels pretty surreal. Julianne [Moore], Michelle [Williams], and Billy [Crudup] were all so welcoming and really embraced me. It helped calm some of the nerves I had going into filming. They’re all brilliant actors and incredibly kind human beings. I really had the time of my life working with them.
Tell us a little bit about your character Annie from Little Women. Do you see any similarities between Annie and yourself?
I think of Annie as a happy-go-lucky gal, who’s a little goofy and aloof, but ultimately very kind, and wants to befriend everyone. She embraces Meg, and wants her to feel accepted. I think we are similar in that way. I always want to make sure that everyone is having a good time, and that no one feels uncomfortable or left out.
How excited are you to star as Mabel in Mad About You?
I’m So excited. I love the show so much. The writing is so brilliant, and I can’t believe I get to work with Helen Hunt and Paul Reiser. It feels really special to be part of the reboot of a show that is loved by so many people.
How do you prepare for each of the characters that you play?
I always start by working with my acting coach Rebecca Kitt. We read through the script aloud as many times as we can before shooting begins and we make sure to work through any and every moment that feels confusing and uncomfortable. On my own, I make a playlist of music that I think my character would listen to and I’m usually only listening to that music for the duration of filming. It really helps me to personalize the character.
Do you have a dream role?
Yes. My dream is for someone to make a film about the band The Roches, and that I could play one of the sisters in the band. They’ve made some of my favorite music of all time, and it’d be a great way to do a musical movie, which is something I’ve wanted to do for so long! As a kid my dream role was Becky O’Shea from The Little Giants. If they ever do a second film I think I could play a grown up version of Becky O’Shea, just sayin’.
Which actor do you wish to work with?
Kathryn Hahn, and Jeff Bridges are two that come to mind right now. And Jason Schwartzman! And Claire Foy, and Julie Andrews. Jeff Goldblum too. Lastly, Annette Bening. Oh my god, I love Annette Bening.
If you are not acting, what keeps you busy?
Making music, hanging out with friends, horseback riding, and roller-skating.
If you were a book, what book would you be and why?
Today I Feel Silly by Jamie Lee Curtis. The main character is a little all over the place, but she acknowledges and accepts her feelings. The last line of the book is “I’d rather feel silly, excited or glad, than cranky or grumpy, discouraged or sad, but moods are just something that happen each day. Whatever I’m feeling inside is okay!” I think that’s a nice sentiment to live by- to be okay with however you’re feeling. That’s always something I’m working on.
See Abby Quinn as Grace in After The Wedding and as Annie in Little Women in theaters December 25, 2019.